The purpose of the Institutes dependent on the National Academy of Engineering will be to enhance and extend the tasks of the Academy on relevant issues of the country and the community, in which engineers play a preponderant role. A Titular Member exercise the direction of each Institute, directly assisted by a Secretary who must be a member of the Institute but not necessarily an academician. Non-academic members are outstanding professionals in the subject, both in engineering and in other professions. The members are nominated by the Director, on their own initiative or at the request of other Titular Members, and are chosen with the same procedure as the academics.

Director: Oscar U. Vignart
Secretary: Ernesto P. Badaraco
Aime, Eduardo A.
Arnera, Patricia L.
Baglietto, Eduardo R.
Bertero, Raúl D.
Beruto, Miguel A.
Carnicer, Roberto
Devoto, Gustavo A.
Grimaldi, Carlos A.
Pahissa Campá, Jaime
Pérez, Teresa
Ridelener, Daniel A.
Yrazu, Gustavo E.
Jáuregui, Luis U.

Constructions and Structures
Director: Tomás A. del Carril
Secretary: Marcos de Virgiliis
Benito, Raúl D.
Bertero, Raúl D.
Bissio, Juan Francisco
Bonifazi, Jorge Alberto
Carretero, Roberto
Chévez, Hugo Alberto
Curutchet, Raúl Alberto
Domínguez, Arístides B.
Fazio, Javier
Fioravanti, Máximo J.
Giovambattista, Alberto
Husni, Raúl
Leoni, Augusto José
Veleda, Carlos Alberto
Schwarz, Ricardo A.
Vardé, Oscar A.

Director: Máximo J. Fioravanti
Secretary: Daniel Bustos
Abriani, Arturo D.
Agosta, Roberto D.
Allende, Heriberto
Ante, José
Arecco, Pablo
Brañas, Carlos María
Berardo, María Graciela
Bereciartua, Pablo J.
Bolzan, Pablo E.
Capdevila, Daniel
Escalante, Raúl S.
Kohon, Jorge
Krantzer, Guillermo
Girardotti, Luis Miguel
González, Raúl Fernando
Ibarra, Horacio
Landa, José M.
Martínez, Juan Pablo
Moreno, Eduardo
Polo, Carmen
Vicente, Olga C.
Schwarz, Ricardo A.
Solanet, Manuel A.

Director: Osvaldo J. Postiglioni
Allevato, Hugo
Berman, Walter D.
Calderón, Enrique
Chenlo, Fernando J.
Choren, Hipólito
Flores, María Marcela
Genta, Guillermo
Gómez, Darío
Inglese, José Luis
Jáuregui, Luis U.
Paladino, Juan José
Pozzo Ardizzi, María Graciela
Rebasa, Marcos
Sbarbati Nudelman, Norma
Valdovino, Fernando
Pedace, Eduardo
Zaritzky, Noemí E.

Education in Enginnering
Director: José Luis Roces
Secretary: Raúl D. Bertero
Arnera, Patricia L.
Biasca, Rodolfo E.
Cofone, Aníbal
Cukierman, Uriel
de Vedia, Luis A.
Domínguez, Arístides B.
Escalante, Raúl S.
Fazio, Javier
Fioravanti, Máximo J.
Glandt, Eduardo D.
Morano, Daniel
Pérez, Teresa